How you’re blocking yourself from success

Saying “I can’t” seems to be something that slips out of our mouths much more often than it should. “I can’t start a business because I don’t know where to begin” “I can’t ask for a raise because they may say no”.

“Can’t” followed by “because” it the perfect formula for a BS excuse.

In reality, you CAN. You can start that business, even if you feel you’re clueless, you can learn. With having success to so much knowledge, there really isn’t any excuse.

You can, but you choose not to

You can do what you want, but you’re choosing not to. The choice to start is always available to us. Don’t say you can’t when really it’s more like you ‘won’t’.

What’s really stopping you?

There are so many reasons why people don’t do what they ache for; kids, lacks of time, lack of skills or finances. But, those excuses aren’t actually stopping you now are they?

You might not know how to start a YouTube channel, but you can learn. You’re just deciding not to.

You can say that you don’t have time but really you’re refusing to find it.

There are very few things people want to but actually can’t. For example, you might want to sing on broadway but you have a terrible voice. These genuine excuses however are few and far between. It’s time to call yourself out on the BS.

Excuses can work to your advantage

When you know the problem, you can find a solution. This only brings home the fact that your excuse isn’t valid. If you can find a solution right away, you know your pretext was BS.

They’re no limitations in anyway. There’s no physical obstacle you have to overcome. You’re the thing that’s stopping you.

You choose not to because you’re afraid of rejection. The solution to overcome that fear is to carry out what’s necessary regardless. We all know by now that should rejection arise, it’s just redirection.

How to work despite your “limitations”

Everything you believe to be a limitation actually isn’t. Money. Time. Lack of skill. Who you are. Where you come from. None of it can stop you.

You decide whether you’re going to LET them stop you. How many times have you heard of people working on their business or writing their books in the time they had between work and raising their children? Now they’re Millionaires or published Authors.

They succeed because they chose to ignore everything that was “stopping” them. They worked despite it.

Changing your mindset

We all know the power of the written and spoken word. The more you say “I can’t do this” or “I can’t do that” the more you will believe you can’t. It’s time to start adopting new language. Swap “I can’t” for “I can”.

Now it’s your turn. You know you don’t have a good enough excuse. You know you have the power to do whatever you want, but will you? That, like everything else, is up to you.

It’s time to stop lying to yourself. Whatever you’re thinking about right now - because I know you’re thinking about something - do it because YOU CAN.


Finding Your Niche


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